Gray Leaf Spot in Corn

Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) is a fungal disease that can cause significant yield loss in corn when conditions are right.  This disease develops rapidly under warm and humid conditions.  GLS is more prevalent in the Midwest and the Eastern portions of the U.S., but it has established itself in the drier High Plains where, under [...]

Avoiding Arrested Ear Syndrome

Arrested ear development can occur if certain adjuvants are applied to corn during the vulnerable V12-14 growth stages. Arrested Ear Development or Syndrome is a physiological condition caused when certain stresses are present in corn during specific growth stages. While these conditions are not always predictable, there is one controllable management practice to [...]

Optimal Growth Stage for Putting Up Quality Corn Silage

Timing of your corn silage harvest is critical to maintain high quality feed and assure proper ensiling of that feed. The optimal moisture range to create good ensilage is between 65-70% when putting it in a bunker. So the question is at what growth stage does corn reach 65-70% moisture? It can depend on [...]

2023-09-01T21:27:54+00:00Categories: Growing Corn (Maize)|Tags: |

Grower Focus: Take-Aways from Randy Dowdy

If you attended our Grower Focus event on February 7, you heard Randy Dowdy, National Corn and Soybean Yield Record Setter visit about the importance of timing and attention to detail. We had a large crowd join us at Grower Focus. We wanted to emphasize a few of the key points that Randy [...]

Split Nitrogen Applications Are Evolving

Recently I was asked to contribute to an article Precision Ag Professional was putting together.  The point of view from the corn belt on split nitrogen applications was interesting.  I was a little surprised at the implied low number of split applications being made in the corn belt since this is a well-established practice under [...]

Rotate Your Preplant – Preemerge Corn Herbicide Chemistry For Better Control

We all know the importance of mixing different modes of actions in post emerge herbicide programs. One area of corn herbicide management that is easy to neglect is to stay on a consistent rotation of early corn herbicides that are used preplant or preemerge. We are all creatures of habit and resist change. When we [...]

Late Season Plant Health Gives Important Clues to Crop Management Decisions

As we head toward the back end of the growing season, there are many clues we can look at to determine whether some of our management decisions this year paid off.  Of course, Mother Nature has a way of laying best laid plans to the side, but we can still learn something from what we [...]

2020-04-30T18:17:07+00:00Categories: Growing Corn (Maize)|

Prevent Spider Mites, Don’t Fight Them

Spider mites, both the Banks Grass Mite and the Two-Spotted Spider Mite, thrive in hot and dry climates.  With this being said, corn producers in southwest Kansas can almost count on finding mites in the field year after year.  However, after a summer where this region of the country has experienced extremely high amounts of [...]

Are Seed Costs a Fixed Cost?

Many producers express frustration with the cost of seed. But not necessarily because of the actual cost of a bag of seed, but because regardless of yield goal, yield potential or length of maturity, the cost of the seed remains relatively the same. Unless you adjust population, a field that raises 180 bushel of corn [...]

Corn Borer & Late Season Pest in Corn

  It is that time of year again when it becomes necessary to treat the late season lepidoptera species that can infest your corn crop. The most predominant pests this time of year are normally the two species of corn borer. These worms bore into the ear or the stalk of corn plants causing economic [...]

Managing Spider Mites In Corn

You have spider mites! Just the shear words to both producer and agronomist will send a cold chill down their spine. Both banks grass and two spotted mites can be the most difficult pest to control in the High Plains region. Spider mites are unique as they are not an insect but rather fall in [...]

Managing Goss’s Wilt

Many producers are in the process of choosing corn hybrids for the 2015 growing season.  In fact, early discount deadlines for some seed companies are pushing this process along quickly. One factor that must be kept in mind while choosing hybrids is evaluating the tolerance or susceptibility to Goss’s Bacterial Wilt. Over the past 5-10 [...]

Rootworm Control Can Be Complicated

The dynamics of managing rootworm larvae and adults has changed tremendously the past 10 to 15 years.  Before the onset of Bt Corn Rootworm (CRW) genetics, before the practice of controlling adults (beetle bombing) for the purpose of controlling next year’s larva population, granular soil insecticides were the norm, and were very effective. These events [...]

Good Weed Control is NOT Just about the Herbicide

During the growing season, there are numerous (too many) opportunities to treat weeds post-emerge – both in crop and on summer fallow ground.  It is important to keep a few things in mind to insure proper weed control after making your herbicide choice. The herbicide and proper rate alone does not insure you will attain [...]

Making Sense of Corn Refuges

Managing and complying with corn refuges is always a challenge.  Insect control traits built into the seed has proven to be a great integrated pest management tool for corn growers.  The need for refuges is related to resistance management.  In order for these traits to have a shelf life, we can’t afford to allow resistant [...]

2020-04-29T18:13:10+00:00Categories: Growing Corn (Maize)|Tags: |
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