Avoiding Arrested Ear Syndrome

Arrested ear development can occur if certain adjuvants are applied to corn during the vulnerable V12-14 growth stages. Arrested Ear Development or Syndrome is a physiological condition caused when certain stresses are present in corn during specific growth stages. While these conditions are not always predictable, there is one controllable management practice to [...]

Are Seed Costs a Fixed Cost?

Many producers express frustration with the cost of seed. But not necessarily because of the actual cost of a bag of seed, but because regardless of yield goal, yield potential or length of maturity, the cost of the seed remains relatively the same. Unless you adjust population, a field that raises 180 bushel of corn [...]

Corn Borer & Late Season Pest in Corn

  It is that time of year again when it becomes necessary to treat the late season lepidoptera species that can infest your corn crop. The most predominant pests this time of year are normally the two species of corn borer. These worms bore into the ear or the stalk of corn plants causing economic [...]

Managing Goss’s Wilt

Many producers are in the process of choosing corn hybrids for the 2015 growing season.  In fact, early discount deadlines for some seed companies are pushing this process along quickly. One factor that must be kept in mind while choosing hybrids is evaluating the tolerance or susceptibility to Goss’s Bacterial Wilt. Over the past 5-10 [...]

Choosing The Right Corn Hybrid

Looking in the corn yield test plot booklet and selecting the top yielding corn hybrid for the last year is not the best way to select corn seed for planting this coming year. There should be lots of planning that goes into making this decision between the farmer, the corn seed dealer and the agronomist [...]

2020-05-06T21:13:42+00:00Categories: Growing Corn (Maize)|Tags: , |

Controlling Western Bean Cutworm

Western Bean Cutworm can be a serious pest in field corn, significantly reducing yield and quality if not properly managed. In the past, Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) could be found concentrated to smaller hotspots in Eastern Colorado, Western Kansas and other areas of the High Plains.  Farming practices such as Strip Till has led to [...]

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