Gray Leaf Spot in Corn

Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) is a fungal disease that can cause significant yield loss in corn when conditions are right.  This disease develops rapidly under warm and humid conditions.  GLS is more prevalent in the Midwest and the Eastern portions of the U.S., but it has established itself in the drier High Plains where, under [...]

Avoiding Arrested Ear Syndrome

Arrested ear development can occur if certain adjuvants are applied to corn during the vulnerable V12-14 growth stages. Arrested Ear Development or Syndrome is a physiological condition caused when certain stresses are present in corn during specific growth stages. While these conditions are not always predictable, there is one controllable management practice to [...]

Reduce Stress to Maximize Yield Potential

Managing plant health and reducing plant stress are crucial at various growth stages throughout the life of a corn plant. These practices can greatly influence final yield potential. Ear size and the number of kernel rows are determined at V5 to V7 in corn.  The number of kernels that will be viable is determined prior [...]

2024-06-04T14:53:46+00:00Categories: Crop Management|Tags: |

Wheat Disease Pressure Expected to be High This Year

What a difference a year makes. Last year the extended drought made it difficult to establish wheat stands or allow for extensive fall or spring growth. That led to lower than normal disease pressure in 2023.   We are looking at a very different situation in 2024. Over most of the High Plains, we have [...]

Finding A Better Planter Seed Tube Option

In recent years, companies have developed innovative precision planting solutions for farmers. Modern advancements on seed tubes enable planters to operate at speeds exceeding 6 MPH while maintaining precise seed placement and consistent spacing. This advanced planting technology replaces traditional seed tubes with a flighted belt system. By transporting seeds individually to the furrow, [...]

Crop Yield Monitoring for Higher Profits

How do we use crop yield monitoring to improve profits?  To answer that question, first lets look at what impacts profit. Profit = Income – Expense That looks pretty simple at first glance.  Dig a little deeper though and you will discover ways to improve a farm’s bottom line.  For example, yield impacts both the [...]

Are Seed Costs a Fixed Cost?

Many producers express frustration with the cost of seed. But not necessarily because of the actual cost of a bag of seed, but because regardless of yield goal, yield potential or length of maturity, the cost of the seed remains relatively the same. Unless you adjust population, a field that raises 180 bushel of corn [...]

For the Love of Sunflowers

For Grant Havel, one of the most rewarding aspects of working with farmers is to achieve their goals throughout the season. An alumnus of Fort Hays State University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Agriculture, Grant is the Division Manager in Northwest Kansas and has been with Crop Quest for 16 years. When developing long [...]

2024-06-21T15:03:44+00:00Categories: Growing Crop Sunflowers|Tags: |
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