2024 Wheat Harvest Report

To say the least, wheat is a resilient crop. As usual, our 2024 winter wheat crop had numerous challenges across Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.    For the most part, planting conditions were good, with adequate soil moisture to get the crop established. In many areas, we had excess fall growth, which reduced reserve soil moisture [...]

2024-07-15T13:55:48+00:00Categories: Growing Wheat|Tags: |

Understanding Grain Fill Weather – Optimizing Wheat Yield

We are headed into the all-important grain fill period of wheat where temperatures greatly affect the overall yield of the crop. Ideally, we want to see a long grain fill period. The duration of grain fill is mainly determined by temperature. The more moderate the temperatures are during this period, the longer grain fill will [...]

Wheat Disease Pressure Expected to be High This Year

What a difference a year makes. Last year the extended drought made it difficult to establish wheat stands or allow for extensive fall or spring growth. That led to lower than normal disease pressure in 2023.   We are looking at a very different situation in 2024. Over most of the High Plains, we have [...]

Grazing Wheat Tips

With the good winter moisture that we received over the High Plains, we have had some very good early growth on our wheat crop.  Cattle producers have been able to take advantage of this grazing potential which hopefully has resulted in good weight gain on their animals. But wheat grazing season is rapidly coming to [...]

Fall Wheat Planting

It’s not too early to start thinking about this fall’s wheat crop. With adequate soil moisture across the High Plains, we are looking forward to getting this upcoming wheat crop off to a good start. Starting this crop with a proper fertility program is important. Your Crop Quest Agronomist can help you with this [...]

2023-07-17T16:37:48+00:00Categories: Growing Wheat|Tags: , |

Wheat Streak Mosaic Management in Southwest Kansas

Throughout the year, we look to our Agronomists and Precision Ag Specialists for their expertise and input on providing timely and knowledgeable articles to our customers and industry leaders via our electronic newsletter. Every summer, we challenge our Interns to do the same. We award up to 5 scholarships per year for winning articles. The [...]

2024-06-20T21:13:30+00:00Categories: Growing Wheat, Uncategorized|

Army Cutworms in Alfalfa – Agronomy Tip

Crop Quest President & Agronomist, Dwight Koops, digging for cutworms. The season has kicked off with warmer temperatures allowing alfalfa to break for many and wheat is putting on new tillers – especially on some of the later planted wheat fields.   Unfortunately, these warmer temperatures are making army cutworms active as well. These [...]

Controlling Volunteer Wheat

As wheat planting season approaches, a couple important questions arise.  When should we kill the volunteer wheat, and how soon before drilling?  Volunteer wheat needs to be controlled at least two weeks prior to drilling.  This should eliminate the majority of pests that are using the volunteer wheat as a host.  Producers may not have [...]

Preparing For Your Next Wheat Crop – Now!

Wheat harvest will wrap up shortly across the High Plains.  It was an interesting year.  A dry fall and winter was followed by an unusually wet spring.  Late freeze and snow events added to the roller coaster that is growing wheat! As you prepare for sowing wheat again this fall, it is time to look [...]

What Is The Cost Of Saving Your Own Wheat Seed?

Many producers plan on saving back some wheat for seed.  This is partially a cost saving decision.  But the question is whether it truly is cheaper to save your own seed vs buying certified seed. Starting with a good quality clean seed at planting is one of the most important things we do.  We very [...]

Considerations For Double Crop Soybeans

With the recent uptrend in soybean prices, many producers are showing more incentive to plant double crop (DC) soybeans following irrigated wheat this season. Recent rainfall and milder temperatures have allowed many producers to save a significant amount of water during the flowering and grain fill stages of their wheat crop. In southwest and south [...]

Jointing and First Hollow Stem in Wheat Production

In much of the Crop Quest trade area, wheat is considered a dual purpose crop.  It can be utilized for grazing and grain. The wheat is drilled earlier in the season if going for grazing only and planted at a higher seeding rate to provide plenty of forage for cattle during the winter months. When [...]

2024-06-21T15:20:59+00:00Categories: Growing Wheat|

Wheat Seeding Rates – Pounds or Seeds?

As producers begin to make preparations for fall seeding of winter wheat, one of the decisions to be made is how much seed to plant per acre. Those who may still be planting by pounds or bushels per acre may want to consider a different approach. They may want to set their drill to deliver [...]

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