A New Tool in Insect Resistance Management

Battling resistance is rapidly becoming one of the most challenging hurdles facing agriculture. Often the term resistance is associated with weeds and the herbicides that no longer control them. The challenge is just as real with insect populations becoming resistant to traditional insecticides. The industry is also seeing regulatory bodies putting pressure on widely utilized [...]

Considerations For Double Crop Soybeans

With the recent uptrend in soybean prices, many producers are showing more incentive to plant double crop (DC) soybeans following irrigated wheat this season. Recent rainfall and milder temperatures have allowed many producers to save a significant amount of water during the flowering and grain fill stages of their wheat crop. In southwest and south [...]

Avoiding Insect And Weed Issues In Soybeans

Soybeans are a great option for producers to utilize in rotation.  Soybeans are not only good for the soil, they are also a good option to clean up fields for other crops in a rotation situation. To avoid weed pressure concerns, producers in Northeast Kansas tend to practice preventive treatments in the fall and early [...]

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