Burndown Herbicides – Effective Weed Control

The key to a successful weed control program starts with a pre-season herbicide treatment. The mantra of ‘start clean, stay clean’ highlights the importance of early intervention for producers aiming for optimal weed management throughout the season.  As we transition into spring, producers are actively implementing their "burndown" applications, recognizing the critical role they play [...]

Late Season Perennial Weed Control

Producers struggle with a few troublesome perennial weeds, such as johnsongrass and bindweed.  These weeds typically emerge in the same spots year after year due to their resilient root systems or rhizomes. Some herbicides are reasonably effective on these weeds during the growing season. But typically, these weeds are tough to completely eradicate from a [...]

Start Clean, Stay Clean. The Key to Successful Season-Long Weed Control

The time of year is rapidly approaching when producers should start thinking about protecting their farms with burndown and pre-emerge herbicides. All the moisture received across the High Plains in the last few months will contribute to early weed emergence. The idea of starting clean and staying clean is crucial to a successful farming operation. [...]

New Dicamba Rules Coming For 2018 Include TRAINING and CERTIFICATION

The long-awaited genes that have been bred into soybeans and cotton to allow the use of dicamba over-the-top of these crops got off to a rocky start in 2017.  Whether all the cases of ‘off-site’ dicamba damage were truly from the increased use of dicamba during the growing season, the EPA and the states are [...]

2019-01-15T22:49:52+00:00Categories: Cotton Farming, Growing Soybeans|Tags: , |

Managing Resistance Requires Multitude of Tools

If you are involved in agriculture, you have been inundated with information about resistance management. Most of the conversation is centered around herbicide and insecticide resistance that is occurring due to the ability of plants and insects to adapt over time to repeated applications of a similar active ingredient.  Many of the issues we deal [...]

Burndown Herbicides

Herbicides play a major role when it comes to controlling weeds, while protecting the environment. By knowing what to expect from different herbicides, a weed control program can be put in place that meets the goals of each farm, both from an economic as well as an environmental standpoint. There are two broad categories of [...]

Rotate Your Preplant – Preemerge Corn Herbicide Chemistry For Better Control

We all know the importance of mixing different modes of actions in post emerge herbicide programs. One area of corn herbicide management that is easy to neglect is to stay on a consistent rotation of early corn herbicides that are used preplant or preemerge. We are all creatures of habit and resist change. When we [...]

Making The Most Of Your Herbicides

Controlling weeds is becoming a difficult and expensive task. A common assumption made when a group of weeds are not killed by a herbicide application is that the weeds are resistant. While weed herbicide resistance is unfortunately common, other factors can play a role. The weather is a huge variable in farming which directly affects [...]

Selecting Postemerge Herbicides

As crops, and of course weeds begin to emerge this spring, many producers may not be aware of the process their Crop Quest Agronomist uses to select appropriate herbicides for control of these weeds. There are a multitude of questions that need to be answered before a particular herbicide and timing of application can be [...]

Cotton: Starting Clean, Keeping Clean

Roundup resistant weeds in cotton have become a major problem, so starting clean is key to finishing clean at harvest. Under conventional till, we need to consider using the old “yellow” herbicides, like trifluralin - preplant incorporated - to help with our weed control. Under no-till & strip-till systems, there are other options for burndown [...]

Teff Grass Production

With the recent dry summers in the Southern Plains, interest in moisture conserving alternative crops has increased. One new forage that has shown great potential in North Central Oklahoma is teff grass. Teff is a summer annual forage native to Ethiopia that is very broadly adapted. It can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions, [...]

Diversifying Weed Control

One of the most effective weed control strategies, but is often overlooked, is cultural weed control. This method is often the most economical form of weed control because it can be as simple as adjusting practices that are already in place. In my opinion, six of the most common approaches include using narrower rows higher [...]

Be Careful Not to Skimp on the Free Stuff in Your Herbicide Programs

Managing and controlling herbicide resistant weeds has become a huge issue across the United States for over a decade.  Each year we see new states and additional weeds added to the list with confirmed resistance.  Producers are being forced to move away from low cost glyphosate-based herbicide programs in search of newer herbicide technology that [...]

It’s Not Too Early to Think About Pre-Season Weed Control

Controlling weeds in your fields should be at the front of your mind even as we move into late fall, winter and early spring. Pre-season weed control will help reduce the size and population of weeds before planting next spring. Certain weed species are exponentially more manageable at this stage than at planting time. How [...]

Good Weed Control is NOT Just about the Herbicide

During the growing season, there are numerous (too many) opportunities to treat weeds post-emerge – both in crop and on summer fallow ground.  It is important to keep a few things in mind to insure proper weed control after making your herbicide choice. The herbicide and proper rate alone does not insure you will attain [...]

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