Farming Cotton? Learn Establishment Tips from One of Our Cotton Experts

Cotton is traditionally found in southern states of our trade area such has Texas and Oklahoma. Recently it has been moving north into non-conventional areas, with continued low grain prices. If you’re adventuring into cotton, Crop Quest is here to help.  We have a network of Crop Consultants across the high plains with a lot [...]

New Dicamba Rules Coming For 2018 Include TRAINING and CERTIFICATION

The long-awaited genes that have been bred into soybeans and cotton to allow the use of dicamba over-the-top of these crops got off to a rocky start in 2017.  Whether all the cases of ‘off-site’ dicamba damage were truly from the increased use of dicamba during the growing season, the EPA and the states are [...]

2019-01-15T22:49:52+00:00Categories: Cotton Farming, Growing Soybeans|Tags: , |

The Importance of Managing Potassium Deficiency in Cotton

Cotton can be a tricky plant to manage. Unlike most other row crops in the US, it is an indeterminate, perennial plant farmed like an annual through the use of plant growth regulator hormones (PGR). PGRs are used to attempt to shut down or slow the vegetative growth of the cotton and force it into [...]

Cotton: Starting Clean, Keeping Clean

Roundup resistant weeds in cotton have become a major problem, so starting clean is key to finishing clean at harvest. Under conventional till, we need to consider using the old “yellow” herbicides, like trifluralin - preplant incorporated - to help with our weed control. Under no-till & strip-till systems, there are other options for burndown [...]

Modes to Managing Cotton Growth

Cotton is unique to many other row crops traditionally grown in the US.  While cotton is ordinarily a perennial, it is commercially grown as an annual in the US.  With its indeterminate nature, cotton continues to produce new foliage even after it creates a seed.  Even though vegetative growth is necessary to support reproductive growth, [...]

2024-06-21T14:59:21+00:00Categories: Cotton Farming|Tags: , |
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