Farming Cotton? Learn Establishment Tips from One of Our Cotton Experts

Cotton is traditionally found in southern states of our trade area such has Texas and Oklahoma. Recently it has been moving north into non-conventional areas, with continued low grain prices. If you’re adventuring into cotton, Crop Quest is here to help.  We have a network of Crop Consultants across the high plains with a lot [...]

Managing Resistance Requires Multitude of Tools

If you are involved in agriculture, you have been inundated with information about resistance management. Most of the conversation is centered around herbicide and insecticide resistance that is occurring due to the ability of plants and insects to adapt over time to repeated applications of a similar active ingredient.  Many of the issues we deal [...]

What Is The Cost Of Saving Your Own Wheat Seed?

Many producers plan on saving back some wheat for seed.  This is partially a cost saving decision.  But the question is whether it truly is cheaper to save your own seed vs buying certified seed. Starting with a good quality clean seed at planting is one of the most important things we do.  We very [...]

Rootworm Strategies

June is the typical month for scouting western corn rootworm larvae in continuous corn fields of the high plains. Agronomists understand the damage that this pest can cause, and many hours are spent digging to examine the deep and brace roots for any signs of rootworm larvae feeding. Early detection is key to minimizing damage [...]

Dealing With Pill Bugs In No-till Soybeans

Pill bugs have become an issue in south central Kansas as we have transitioned away from tillage into no-till on our irrigated fields. Excess residue on the soil surface has created a perfect environment for pill bugs to thrive.  Pill bugs like moisture and cover, as they do not like to be exposed to direct [...]

Insect Resistance in Alfalfa

Weed and insect resistance to different kinds of pesticides continues to be a hot topic in agriculture. Most of us are aware of the resistance of glyphosate to a handful of common weeds.  About six years ago we started to see resistance on the alfalfa weevil with commonly used pyrethroid insecticides in alfalfa. Since then, [...]

Selecting Postemerge Herbicides

As crops, and of course weeds begin to emerge this spring, many producers may not be aware of the process their Crop Quest Agronomist uses to select appropriate herbicides for control of these weeds. There are a multitude of questions that need to be answered before a particular herbicide and timing of application can be [...]

Sugarcane Aphids

This past season, sugarcane aphids (also known as white sugarcane aphids) have migrated as far north as Oklahoma and Kansas. They have caused crop damage in some grain sorghum fields. Like other aphids, sugarcane aphids are a sucking pest, which can discolor and desiccate leaf tissue. They also deposit a thick honeydew like substance on [...]

Improve Winter Wheat Stands with Seed Treatments

Winter wheat planting time is rapidly approaching. Now is the time to evaluate your seed supply for its quality. Having seed cleaned to eliminate the light test weight kernels is a good idea. If the germination rate is low (less than 90%) you may want to use a seed treatment to increase the survivability rate [...]

Corn Borer & Late Season Pest in Corn

  It is that time of year again when it becomes necessary to treat the late season lepidoptera species that can infest your corn crop. The most predominant pests this time of year are normally the two species of corn borer. These worms bore into the ear or the stalk of corn plants causing economic [...]

Controlling Sunflower Stem Borer May Not Include the Use of an Insecticide

The ever increasing pest in sunflowers, the sunflower stem borer also called the soybean stem borer, is causing more damage and harvest loss to fields across sunflower producing areas. Many times you are not aware that you have a problem until you see plants lodging before harvest. Sometimes the damage may be confused with the [...]

Alfalfa Weevil

Alfalfa weevil can cause major damage to alfalfa production during the early cuttings of the growing season.  Adult weevils lay their eggs inside the alfalfa stems in the late fall or early spring.  The hatched larvae then feed on the terminals and upper leaves of the alfalfa plant in the early spring where most of [...]

Applying Insecticides to Corn Refuges

  Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) is a protein inserted into plant genes such as corn, that is toxic to certain insect pests.  Bt corn is used by many farmers and is very beneficial to the management of insect pests.  To avoid insect resistance to Bt genes there must be a nearby refuge.  The refuge is a [...]

Rootworm Control Can Be Complicated

The dynamics of managing rootworm larvae and adults has changed tremendously the past 10 to 15 years.  Before the onset of Bt Corn Rootworm (CRW) genetics, before the practice of controlling adults (beetle bombing) for the purpose of controlling next year’s larva population, granular soil insecticides were the norm, and were very effective. These events [...]

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