The Importance of an Ag Partnership

As a farmer, it is easy to get frustrated in this profession knowing the risk you take everyday to run and grow a successful operation.  And, sometimes it seems that what we do is mundane or is underappreciated, and with commodity prices perpetually in the dumps, just not “worth it”.  Well, that was cheery!  But, [...]

2024-06-20T21:19:47+00:00Categories: Culture|

Defining a Comprehensive Farm Consultant

In addition to traditional crop input decisions, Crop Quest customers utilize their farm consultant to help make extensive crop planning decisions. Decisions that are centered around technology and biotechnology tools.  The growth in the collection and use of data is changing the way decisions are made on the farm.  Crop Quest is growing right along [...]

2020-07-28T21:49:56+00:00Categories: Culture|

Ecology On The Farm

Sustainability, sustainability, susta….. I’m sure you’ve heard this buzz word around the farm shows and producer meetings lately. Considering the environmental impact of production decisions is not new to Crop Quest however. Do you remember the first time you met your Crop Quest Agronomist? You probably remember receiving a business card with all your agronomist’s [...]

2024-06-20T21:26:31+00:00Categories: Culture|

The Value Of Our Services

Most crop consultants bring value to a farm, but Crop Quest Agronomists bring even more value, and one of the big reasons is because of the simple fact that we’re an employee-owned company. One can tell why this holds true by reading our mission statement. “Crop Quest is an employee-owned company dedicated to providing the [...]

2019-01-10T21:32:24+00:00Categories: Culture|Tags: |

Trends In Agriculture – What Will The Next 25 Years Bring?

Crop Quest Celebrates 25 Years of Service to Production Agriculture 2017 brings a milestone to Crop Quest. In February, Crop Quest will celebrate 25 years in business. We have served farmer/producers across the center of this great country for a quarter century now. In that time, we have all witnessed huge changes in production agriculture. [...]

2024-06-20T21:29:51+00:00Categories: Culture|Tags: |

Networks In Nature & Business

Networks perform vital roles in nature. A plants veins provide support for the leaf.  They transport life giving water, minerals, and energy throughout the plant.  The veins (vascular system) connect plant parts that perform vital but different roles.  Roots collect water and minerals and leaves produce energy but without the network to connect them; both [...]

2024-06-20T21:30:23+00:00Categories: Culture|

Slow Time – Is There Really Such a Thing Anymore?

I have often been asked over the years, “So what do you guys do in your slow time during the winter months?”  I have to admit, the pace of the winter months isn’t nearly as hectic as the summer months when crops are growing, but this period is far from slow. With the constantly increasing [...]

2024-06-20T21:30:55+00:00Categories: Culture|

ESOP – What Is It? And What Does It Mean For Our Customers?

If you work with a Crop Quest Agronomist or have just stopped by our website, you may have heard that we’re an ESOP company. Your thought may have been, that’s great, but that doesn’t really affect me. We’re proud of being an ESOP, and we feel it’s important once in a while to talk about [...]

2018-04-18T15:53:56+00:00Categories: Culture|Tags: |

CQIQ Part II: More of What We Learned in Oklahoma City

In the last post, CQIQ Part I, we highlighted a few of the topics covered at our annual conference CQIQ (Crop Quest Information Quest).  This post will wrap up the series on major topics discussed during CQIQ. Dr. Jessica Davis, Colorado State University, presented a good review of manure utilization and management during our Thursday [...]

2024-06-21T15:24:03+00:00Categories: Culture|

CQIQ Part I: What We Learned in Oklahoma City

Your Crop Quest Agronomist was a little tough to get a hold of during the beginning of November.  We all attended our annual “CQIQ” (Crop Quest Information Quest) Meeting.  This year’s meeting in Oklahoma City, highlighted a variety of agronomic topics, keeping us “up-to-date” on the latest innovations and research in the region. Tuesday’s general [...]

2024-06-21T15:23:25+00:00Categories: Culture|Tags: , |

Crop Consulting Value Depends on Perception

We all have a perception as to the value of a product or the service we receive. Sometimes there can be more value in the service than what was originally stated or perceived. This is when we have to look at the bigger picture. Crop Quest Agronomists are part of a large network that covers [...]

2024-06-21T15:06:48+00:00Categories: Culture|
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