Planting Sorghum Following a Failed Wheat Crop

Guest Post By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Agronomy Director Unfortunately drought conditions through much of the Southern High Plains have led to a failed wheat crop for many growers. For some of these fields, planting sorghum for either grain or forage, may be an option as we continue into [this] growing season. However, the [...]

Double Cropping Grain Sorghum Following Wheat

Guest Post By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Agronomy Director Planted grain sorghum following a failed or harvested wheat crop (double cropping) is an option for many regions of the U.S. The success of the sorghum double crop will be dependent on many factors, but the most prominent are: The length of the growing season [...]

A New Tool in Insect Resistance Management

Battling resistance is rapidly becoming one of the most challenging hurdles facing agriculture. Often the term resistance is associated with weeds and the herbicides that no longer control them. The challenge is just as real with insect populations becoming resistant to traditional insecticides. The industry is also seeing regulatory bodies putting pressure on widely utilized [...]

Sugarcane Aphid Alert

As we head toward the latter part of July, sugarcane aphids have been detected in numerous counties in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandle regions and are rapidly working their way north. Crop Quest Agronomists in the Dumas, Texas areas have reported seeing this pest show up as well. Why are we seeing signs of this invasive [...]

Sugarcane Aphids

This past season, sugarcane aphids (also known as white sugarcane aphids) have migrated as far north as Oklahoma and Kansas. They have caused crop damage in some grain sorghum fields. Like other aphids, sugarcane aphids are a sucking pest, which can discolor and desiccate leaf tissue. They also deposit a thick honeydew like substance on [...]

Recent Rains Bring Hope for Summer Crops

The High Plains have experienced an extended drought for the past number of years.  Lower than average precipitation has plagued some areas for over a decade.  Years like 2011 and 2012 rivaled some of the dry, hot years of the 1930’s and 1950’s.  Recently, the weather pattern has been a little more tolerable, and soaking [...]

Current Drought Rivals 1930s and 1950s

Dr. Clay Robinson Dr. Clay Robinson was a professor of soil and crop sciences at West Texas A&M for 17 years. While at WTAMU, one of his main interests was the influence of climatic conditions on farming, particularly dry land and crop-fallow systems. After leaving the University, he spent a couple years working [...]

Corn Vs. Grain Sorghum In Water Limited Scenarios

Drought conditions continue to persist across much of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, and Eastern Colorado.  The US drought monitor reports that most of these areas are experiencing either extreme or exceptional drought, which are the two highest levels of drought that are reported.  Most long range weather forecasts are expecting drought conditions to [...]

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