Avoiding Arrested Ear Syndrome

Arrested ear development can occur if certain adjuvants are applied to corn during the vulnerable V12-14 growth stages. Arrested Ear Development or Syndrome is a physiological condition caused when certain stresses are present in corn during specific growth stages. While these conditions are not always predictable, there is one controllable management practice to [...]

Growing Crops with Small Irrigation Wells

There is some difference of opinion as to what constitutes small irrigation wells and being a relative term is open for interpretation.  However, anytime the capacity of irrigation is unable to match the crop’s evapotranspiration rate, challenges of a small well are apparent. Some strategies for maximizing water use and reducing risk with small wells [...]

Managing Resistance Requires Multitude of Tools

If you are involved in agriculture, you have been inundated with information about resistance management. Most of the conversation is centered around herbicide and insecticide resistance that is occurring due to the ability of plants and insects to adapt over time to repeated applications of a similar active ingredient.  Many of the issues we deal [...]

Rootworm Strategies

June is the typical month for scouting western corn rootworm larvae in continuous corn fields of the high plains. Agronomists understand the damage that this pest can cause, and many hours are spent digging to examine the deep and brace roots for any signs of rootworm larvae feeding. Early detection is key to minimizing damage [...]

Diversifying Weed Control

One of the most effective weed control strategies, but is often overlooked, is cultural weed control. This method is often the most economical form of weed control because it can be as simple as adjusting practices that are already in place. In my opinion, six of the most common approaches include using narrower rows higher [...]

It’s Not Too Early to Think About Pre-Season Weed Control

Controlling weeds in your fields should be at the front of your mind even as we move into late fall, winter and early spring. Pre-season weed control will help reduce the size and population of weeds before planting next spring. Certain weed species are exponentially more manageable at this stage than at planting time. How [...]

The Future of No-Till Farming

You have a sick child at home that has a horrible sickness. You take him to the doctor and get a prescription for treatment. You give your child the medicine and soon enough they return to normal health. A few days later the sickness returns. You go back to the doctor and receive the same [...]

Rootworm Control Can Be Complicated

The dynamics of managing rootworm larvae and adults has changed tremendously the past 10 to 15 years.  Before the onset of Bt Corn Rootworm (CRW) genetics, before the practice of controlling adults (beetle bombing) for the purpose of controlling next year’s larva population, granular soil insecticides were the norm, and were very effective. These events [...]

Triticale an Alternative Crop to Wheat and Rye

Triticale had a humble beginning in 1875 when hybrids of wheat and rye were made. Triticale takes its name from Triticum and Secale (Latin names for wheat and rye). As a hybrid, this grain gets the best from each of its parents. It has the hardiness of rye and will self-pollinate like wheat. Today, it [...]

Nitrogen Levels Vital To Sugar Beet Production

Sugar’s rich history predates the Age of Discovery, but it was Napoleon Bonaparte who started the sugar beet business.  The British had blockades in place in the West Indies and Philippines during the war, so no cane sugar was getting to France.  Napoleon commissioned his scientists to find a suitable replacement for cane sugar to [...]

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