Improve Winter Wheat Stands with Seed Treatments

Winter wheat planting time is rapidly approaching. Now is the time to evaluate your seed supply for its quality. Having seed cleaned to eliminate the light test weight kernels is a good idea. If the germination rate is low (less than 90%) you may want to use a seed treatment to increase the survivability rate [...]

Recent Rains Bring Hope for Summer Crops

The High Plains have experienced an extended drought for the past number of years.  Lower than average precipitation has plagued some areas for over a decade.  Years like 2011 and 2012 rivaled some of the dry, hot years of the 1930’s and 1950’s.  Recently, the weather pattern has been a little more tolerable, and soaking [...]

Scout Early for Stripe Rust in Wheat

Stripe rust is caused by the fungus Puccinia striiformis and is one of the most prevalent and destructive diseases of wheat in the world.  It has caused major losses in wheat crops around the world for many decades, and it continues to be a problem.  Kansas wheat losses from Stripe Rust have been reported up [...]

2024-06-21T15:14:55+00:00Categories: Controlling Crop Diseases, Growing Wheat|Tags: |

Phosphorus an Important Nutrient for Successful Wheat Production

Phosphorus is a vital nutrient for wheat and other small grain production.  In many ways it is even more important than nitrogen.  We always think of nitrogen as the nutrient that allows plants to grow vigorously, and get the crop off to a good start, but without proper phosphorus levels, adequate or excess nitrogen will [...]

Topdressing Wheat

Winter chill hangs in the air, but it’s not too soon to plan for topdressing. Today, we are focusing on the why, when and how of topdressing wheat. Topdressing is the process of adding a second round of nitrogen during late dormancy to early green up, compensating for any deficiencies and giving wheat an extra [...]

2020-04-29T18:14:03+00:00Categories: Crop Fertilizers, Growing Wheat|Tags: |

The Importance of Phosphorus Fertilizer in Wheat

Next to nitrogen, phosphorus is the most important nutrient needed by a wheat crop.  Phosphorus (P) is vital for plant development starting when wheat is just a seedling and continuing all the way to maturity.  Besides playing a role in the quality and formation of seeds, this nutrient helps ensure uniform heading, faster maturity and [...]

Winter Wheat Management

As wheat harvest is wrapping up over a good portion of the country, “it’s not too early to start thinking about your wheat seed needs for this fall,” states Dwight Koops, Crop Quest President.  In some areas there may be shortages of seed wheat due to adverse growing conditions this past season over the High [...]

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