Split Nitrogen Applications Are Evolving

Recently I was asked to contribute to an article Precision Ag Professional was putting together.  The point of view from the corn belt on split nitrogen applications was interesting.  I was a little surprised at the implied low number of split applications being made in the corn belt since this is a well-established practice under [...]

When Average Won’t Cut It – Variable Rate Soygreen Application

The current commodity prices have growers everywhere going through their crop budgets with a fine-toothed comb.  Finding a trusted advisor to make sure expenses are managed properly is important in this environment.  With slim margins, average isn't going to cut it in 2017.  It's going to take exceptional management during these difficult times to sustain [...]

Site Specific Crop Management – Keeping It Simple

When I started with Crop Quest in 2010, the term site specific crop management or precision ag was only meant for the producers who were on the cutting edge of technology. In just this short amount of time the meaning of this term has changed tremendously. Now site specific crop management encompasses a wide variety of [...]

NDVI Imagery – An Ace in the Hole!

Having an Ace up your sleeve in a card game might get your arm broke, but having one in the game of risk management might just keep you from going broke.  The Ace in the game of risk management I am referring to is in-season NDVI imagery.  Crop Health Imagery from satellites provide a valuable [...]

Profitable Precision Ag for Offense and Defense

“Heads or tails?” demands the referee as the coin is tossed into the air.  Every football game begins with a choice, heads or tails. Profitable Precision Ag requires making a similar choice. It seems like with the flip of a coin, commodity prices are going up or coming down.  Just like in football, we have [...]

2024-06-21T15:14:27+00:00Categories: Precision Ag|Tags: , |

Yield Mapping To Improve Crop Yield Potential

With the high costs of crop inputs, it is vital to ensure the inputs applied are necessary and beneficial.  Yield mapping can provide the key to determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the inputs. “Many producers have yield mapping capabilities but not all take advantage of the technology,” says Craig Koehn, Crop Quest Agronomist in [...]

Does Precision Ag Pay?

“Yes is does!” exclaims Farrell Allison, Crop Quest Agronomist in the Dodge City, KS Division.  “At times, Precision Agriculture information and technology can be overwhelming but once all the pieces are together, it does pay,” he states. Allison consults on approximately 40 fields that are using some type of Precision Agriculture (PA) system. The most [...]

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