Utilize common sense and new technology to your advantage. Tough economic times tends to tighten everyone’s belt, and that is when farmers need to be aware of how they separate the necessary from the unnecessary. With so many products on the market today all claiming that your crop can’t do without them, it’s difficult to decipher what’s too good to be true. It’s important to choose sound products, with good science and track record. Many times using basic fertilizers and chemicals will not only save producers’ money but will also return the most net return on profit.

Another area to think about is, who will you listen to and seek advice on your farm?  Take for example, free agronomic advice!  As the saying goes, “There is no such thing as a free lunch”. In order for ag retail businesses to offer free crop advice, they must increase sales of the products they sell.  Farmers spend big dollars on fertilizer, seed and chemicals.  Having the option for getting your advice from an unbiased source like Crop Quest can ensure we have your back and will weed out any unnecessary cost, especially in these tough economic times.

Lastly, utilize new technology.  Yield maps can be one way to evaluate the end of season report card and make adjustments for the next growing season. It makes no sense to fertilize a particular area in a field for 250-bushel corn when in reality those areas never have yielded even close to that expected yield. Many times, variable rate fertilizer can reduce overall inputs, or place inputs in those maximum yield potential areas.

Crop Quest brings an unbiased, common sense approach to cut costs where needed, but also give the advice to treat or apply chemicals when needed, and discourage producers from using unproven products when we know they have no chance of returning a profit.

Written by: Rob Benyshek; Ulysses, KS